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Welcome to
Deaf Multilingual Community Support

My name is Mehdi and I am a Health and Wellbeing Advisor. My role is divided up:
☞ Advice about health and nutrition. We explain how some foods and your body works including information about vitamins, minerals and individual clients' needs.
☞ Nutrition home assessments can be carried out in your own home to discuss your nutrition needs and help you to make small changes to improve your health and lifestyle.
☞ We can accompany some vulnerable people to the health practitioner or GP to discuss any issues and hopefully improve their health.
☞ Our aim is to give vulnerable deaf people a better idea about improving their good health.
"There can be so many misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication with doctors and nurses in a hospital setting. So having all the information in the hospital passport and emergency card is great. It has everything in there that I need doctors to know about such as details about my asthma, names of all the medication I am taking, any illnesses I have, the problems I have walking. It is so important to have this and so easy to use and understand. It really is fantastic. Everything you need is right there in the passport and the emergency card. I am very happy to have mine". Deaf client - AB

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